Warm greetings from Doshisha University in Japan!
Doshisha University was established in 1875 by Joseph Hardy Neesima. From the founder himself, the purpose of founding Doshisha Academy was not only to equip students with a general knowledge of the English language, but also to produce individuals who are able to put their conscience into practice. Currently, Doshisha University has two main campuses. One is the Imadegawa Campus located in the heart of Kyoto City, north of Kyoto Imperial Palace and adjacent to a noted Buddhist temple, Shokokuji.
Exchange students from foreign partner institutions of Doshisha University are enrolled at Doshisha as students of either “the Center for Global Education (commonly referred to as CGE-sei)” or “the Center for Japanese Language and Culture (commonly referred to as Nichibun-sei)”. Exchange students may take subjects offered at each Center as well as access the same campus facilities as regular Doshisha students.
We are pleased to inform you that the application for Doshisha University Student Exchange Program for Fall Semester 2021 is now open for Universitas Gadjah Mada students.
Kindly download the Application Pack for detailed information. The pack itself contains:
- 1. Information Sheet for exchange program applicants
- 2-1. Application form for exchange program applicants
- 2-2. additional page for application
- 3. English language certificate for CGE applicants
- 4. Self assessment form of Japanese for CGE applicants
- 5. Information for COE application
- 6. Statement of expenses payment
- 7. Certificate of scholarship/student loan
- 8. List of dormitories for exchange program applicants
- 9. Accommodation application for exchange program applicants
- 10-1. JASSO scholarship information
- 10-2. JASSO application form
- 11. checklist for exchange program applicants
- 3rd to 6th-semester undergraduate students (S1)
- Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program
- Be proficient in English. for non-native English candidates for CGE is B2 level or higher in CEFR in English
Required Documents
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation Letter
- Official Academic Transcript record (issued in English)
- Study Plan
- A recommendation letter from an academic supervisor
- Letter of Enrollment from Faculty
- Letter of Nomination from Faculty (addressed to the Head of Office of International Affairs UGM)
- English Language Proficiency Certificate
- Copy of passport photo identification page
- Passport picture
- All the document listed as required on the Application Pack attached above
- Confirmation Letter of Participation (download)
- Students from partner institutions will be able to apply for Jasso Sholarship. A monthly stipend of 80.000 yen is offered for a period of 4 months or 10 months.
- This scholarship is obtainable for students who attend Japan (offline)
Application Procedures
- Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication and the hardcopy version of the documents to the OIA Office through courier service no later than September 20th, 2021 for internal review.
- OIA staff will evaluate your application. Once you are selected as Nominated Applicants, OIA will confirm your official nomination to Doshisha University and you may proceed to the Online Application.
- The FINAL decision from Doshisha University.
- The implementation/execution of this program will be carefully reconsidered depends on the latest development of COVID-19 and the government’s regulation
- In the meantime, the students are required to keep the hard file of all documents until further notice by the Office of International Affairs.
- In case the faculty could not provide the letter of enrollment and nomination during this period, the official nomination through email from the faculty is acceptable. The official nomination could be delivered to head-oia@ugm.ac.id (cc to scholarship@ugm.ac.id)
- If you have any questions regarding this outgoing program, you can contact us in OIA’s office hour:
- Email: scholarship@ugm.ac.id
- Sync consultation: http://ugm.id/AppointmentOIA
- Detail info click here
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