Warm greetings from Hokkaido University, Japan
Hokkaido University is one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious universities in Japan. Boasting the largest number of faculties of Japan’s national universities, Hokkaido University cover almost all areas of the humanities and social and natural sciences and are leader in research activities in Japan and the world. Hokkaido University alumni include a Nobel laureate, business leaders, research pioneers, artists and writers.
We are pleased to inform you that Exchange Program Fall Semester 2021 from Hokkaido University is now open for Universitas Gadjah Mada students.
Hokkaido University offered four program called HUSTEP (The Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program) & JLCSP (The Japanese Language and Culture Studies Program) & Special Audit Student (For Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students) & Special Research Student (For Graduate Students)
The Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program (HUSTEP) is a ‘junior year abroad’ type program designed to provide undergraduate students from affiliated universities with the opportunity to study in Japan at Hokkaido University. Participants in this program take a wide variety of classes offered in English in HUSTEP’s two core divisions: Culture and Society, and Science, Technology, and Environment. Students also have the chance to study the Japanese language. In addition, some participants can pursue independent research under the guidance of a faculty member. There will also be opportunities to take part in numerous traditional and contemporary Japanese cultural activities. Finally, students admitted to the program are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
The Japanese Language and Culture Studies Program (JLCSP) is a “junior year abroad” type program for undergraduate students majoring in Japanese language and culture. Each year international students from our partner universities and government-sponsored students come to Japan to take this enriching program. The JLCSP is renowned nationwide and provides classes of varying levels of difficulty (intermediate to advanced) to students of the Japanese language. You can also choose courses from our English curriculum or courses from the standard curriculum taken by Japanese students. If you would like to deepen your understanding of your particular field of independent study, or learn business Japanese, this course can help you achieve your goals. Also, Hokkaido University’s Sapporo campus is commonly thought of as the most beautiful campus in Japan.
For more information regarding the program
- Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program
- 3rd to 6th-semester undergraduate students (S1)
- Applicants must be a Japanese language and/or culture major (* For JLSP program)
- Must have N3 (or higher) on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or the equivalent or higher proficiency in Japanese at the time of application (* For JLSP program)
- Be proficient in English. Non-native English speakers must have a score of at least TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5.
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Required Documents
- Motivation Letter/Personal Statement
- Cover Page HUSTEP 2021-2022 Application Form (PDF)
- HUSTEP Application Form 2021-2022 (PDF)
- Certificate of Enrollment (PDF)
- Content to Transfer and Process Personal Data (PDF)
- Study Plan
- Official Academic Transcript record
- Curriculum Vitae
- Certificate of English Proficiency
- Letter of Nomination from Faculty (addressed to Head of Office of International Affairs UGM)
- Letter of Enrollment from Faculty
- Letter of Recommendation/Reference (PDF)
- Copy of passport photo identification page
- Passport picture
- Certificate of Health (PDF)
- Confirmation Letter of Participation (download)
Guidelines for Handling Your Personal Data
Side note
Please note that the impact of COVID-19 outbreak is still deeply rooted, making it difficult to settle a firm standard for our incoming policies. How some courses are provided is not yet decided. It could be online, or combination of online and in-classroom. Contents of the program might differ from prior years.
We will have to flexibly adapt to the situation and may have to change procedures or schedule as occasion demands. Cancellation could occur depending on the situation.
Application Procedure
- Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication no later than January 15th, 2021 for HUSTEP & JLCSP program and March 12th, 2021 for SAS & SRS Program
- OIA staff will evaluate your application. Once you are selected as Nominated Applicants, OIA will confirm your official nomination to Hokkaido University and you may proceed to the online application
- The FINAL decision from Hokkaido University
- In the meantime, the applicant is required to keep the hard file of all documents until further notice by the Office of International Affairs.
- In case the faculty could not provide the letter of enrollment and nomination during this period, the official nomination through email from the faculty is acceptable. The official nomination could be delivered to head-oia@ugm.ac.id (cc to scholarship@ugm.ac.id)
- Application of outgoing mobility for fall/odd semester in AY 2020/2021 will be processed but the implementation/execution will carefully consider the latest development of COVID-19 and government’s regulation.
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