Warm greetings from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in Japan!
TUAT is calling applicants for Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) in Science and Engineering for one or two semesters starting from September 2021. The program aims to strengthen collaboration with international students in education and research regarding the field of industry and technology. Applicants will not only get to study the courses offered by TUAT but also understand more about Japan which can enrich their career preparation in international fields. Moreover, applicants are also able and encouraged to apply for the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship for the program.
We are pleased to inform you that the application for STEP at TUAT for Fall 2021 is now open for Universitas Gadjah Mada students.
More Info on the program’s details, online application, and JASSO Scholarship can be accessed on the link: http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~steptuat/index.html.
- Undergraduate (at least in 3rd year), Master, or Doctoral students
- Enrolled in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the program
- Must meet the language requirement (English language proficiency)
Required Documents
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation Letter
- Official Academic Transcript record (English version)
- Study Plan
- A recommendation letter from an academic supervisor
- Letter of Enrollment from Faculty
- Letter of Nomination from Faculty (addressed to the Head of Office of International Affairs UGM)
- English Language Proficiency Certificate
- Copy of passport photo identification page
- Passport picture
- All the document listed as required on the Online Application page
- Confirmation Letter of Participation [download]
Application Procedure
- Submit the aforementioned documents to UGM International Exposure Application Form: http://ugm.id/IntExposureApplication no later than March 20th, 2021 for internal review. Please, keep the hard file documents with you.
- OIA staff will evaluate your application. Once you are selected as Nominated Applicants, OIA will confirm your official nomination to Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and you may proceed to the online application.
- The FINAL decision from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
- In the meantime, the students are required to keep the hard file of all documents until further notice by the Office of International Affairs.
- In case the faculty could not provide the letter of enrollment and nomination during this period, the official nomination through email from the faculty is acceptable. The official nomination could be delivered to head-oia@ugm.ac.id (cc to scholarship@ugm.ac.id).
- Application of outgoing mobility for the fall semester in AY 2021/2022 will be processed but the implementation/execution will carefully consider the latest development of COVID-19 and government’s regulation.
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