Greetings from the University of Oxford!
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is a Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. It was established in 1985 to encourage the scholarly study of Islam and the Islamic world. The Centre provides a meeting point for the Western and Islamic worlds of learning. At Oxford, it contributes to the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Islamic world. Beyond Oxford, its role is strengthened by an international network of academic contacts. For more information, please refer to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies website.
The purpose of the OCIS PG Scholarships is to encourage and assist student to undertake studies that will be of benefit to the Muslim world. Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit. For those candidates ordinarily resident in the UK and from a Muslim community, a preference will be given to those from a financially disadvantaged background. Applicants must be able to show how their intended course of study is of relevance and or benefit to the Muslim world.
Assalamualaikum,,Is There have a course for Islamic law or Islamic finance for phd? I’m really interested 😍