International Relation Office Jenderal Soedirman University organized Unsoed Intercultural Summer Camp (UIS), which is slated to hold from 15 – 22 August 2016 at Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This program is targeted specifically at international undergraduate students who are able to communicate in English.
During the program, participants will enjoy:

- dr. Sandra Kartika :
- dr. Fitriana :
- Siti Nurasiah : / telp & fax : (62) 0274-631 203
The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently looking for qualified candidates for the following position:
Post title: Junior Consultant, Digital Fundraising Assistant – 6 Month Contract
Duty station: Rome, Italy
Applications deadline: 30 June 2016
Application link:
*Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
** Applicants may directly apply to the respective website. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13) .
We are looking for a student interested in an internship in our International office starting from September 2016. We would like to hire someone with minimum 3 years of studies with a good level of French language. The student will help us with administration tasks (incoming/outgoing students) and will participate in Language center activities. It is a paid internship and there is a possibility for the student to rent a student room at university campus.
The application deadline is 20th of June 2016.
You will find in the attachment a detailed internship offer in English.
Vous trouverez en pièce jointe une offre de stage au sein du Pôle International de l’université de Bourgogne. Nous vous prions de la diffuser auprès de vos étudiants à la recherche d’un stage à partir de septembre 2016. Nous souhaitons engager une personne avec un bac+3 minimum et avec une bonne maîtrise du français. Le stagiaire s’occupera des tâches administratives du Pôle International et participera au fonctionnement du Centre des langues et des cultures pour tous. Il s’agit d’un stage gratifié avec la possibilité de logement sur le campus universitaire. La date limite de dépôt de candidature est fixée au 20 juin 2016.
>>> Placement offer – University of Burgundy
** Applicants may directly apply to the respective email address. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13) .
University of Economics – The University of Danang, in collaboration with ADIUT France (Association of Directors of French technological Institutes in Universities), National Economics University (Hanoi), Danang Young Entrepreneurs Association and Vietnam Marketing Association will organize INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MARKETING IN THE CONNECTED AGE (MICA) titled “ Digital Marketing for Enterprises: Forecast, Potential and Challenges” in Danang, Vietnam October 15th, 2016.

** Applicants may directly send the application to the link and website. Once you are SELECTED, you NEED to inform your personal data to Office of International Affairs (Bulaksumur F-13)
Dalam rangka meningkatkan reputasi akademik dan jejaring internasional, maka UGM melalui Direktorat Kemitraan, Alumni dan Urusan Internasional (DKAUI) dan Pusat Inovasi dan Kajian Akademik (PIKA) bermaksud menyelenggarakan program Hibah Inovasi Dan Internasionalisasi Akademik Melalui Summer Course Bidang Unggulan lintas disiplin.
Are you looking for new friendship? Do you want to have many international friends? Are you eager to join an organization with multicultural environment and experience?
Come and join us! UGM Buddy Club is open for recruitment! You better hurry up and prepare your CV and Motivation Letter! Go register yourself at the link given no later than May 31th, 2016 and let’s jump in the mud of fun!
For further information, please contact:
Utami Amalia: 0813-7227-0989
Kukuh Iskandar: 0899-0454-125
Facebook: UGM Buddy Club
We are looking forward to see you!
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