Greetings from UniLaSalle, France!
[Scholarship offered for this program]
The study data shows that comprehensive management plays an important role in supporting good and quality survival for HAP patients. Treatment with drugs to reduce pressure in the pulmonary veins is the main drug that should be given to patients with HAP. Our research team, in collaboration with the Pulmonary Hypertension Working Group, the Central Board of the Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialist Doctors Association (PP PERKI), has succeeded in making a policy that HAP drugs, namely sildenafil, are registered with the JKN-BPJS, so that they can be widely administered to HAP patients (Lilyasari et al., 2019). The administration of sildenafil provides benefits to HAP patients by improving their quality of life (Hidayati et al., 2020).
Greetings from Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU)!
Greetings from Nara Women’s University, Japan!
Warm greetings from Kobe University, Japan!
Warm greetings from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand!
Greetings from Tokyo Tech in Japan!
Greetings from JICA Project for AUN-Seed Net!
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