The collaboration between the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kementerian Hukum dan HAM) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has succeeded in building an Immigration Office Unit located at UGM (Immigration Office Chapter UGM). The presence of this office is to improve immigration services to the community, especially for foreign students, lecturers, and researchers in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Furthermore, hopefully, Immigration Office Chapter (UKK Imigrasi) UGM will provide facilities for foreigners who stay in Yogyakarta to extend or obtaining their stay permit easier.
- Passport Issuance for local members of UGM
- Visit/Stay Permit Processing for international members of Universitas Gadjah Mada
*since there is no physical mobility yet, this service will be open once the immigration and physical mobility is getting normal.
Services Hours (During Pandemic):
Immigration Office Chapter UGM will open with Limited Operation procedures.
- Monday & Wednesday
- From 09.00 – 15.00 WIB
- The service quota is 15
Visiting Immigration Office Chapter UGM protocol (During Pandemic):
Immigration Office Chapter UGM enforces Health Protocols in accordance with Ministry of Health regulations, such as:
- Physical distancing minimum 1 meter
- Hand sanitized
- Wearing mask
Procedures for Passport Services:
- Open for regular passport application and e-passport
- Apply to the link http://ugm.id/pasporimigrasiUGM
- Confirm your application via WA (+6281329788885) to Mr. Salam D-1 before the direct application to the Office
- Submit the required documents and take pictures in the office directly
- Pay the invoice for passport issuance
- Get your passport within a week
Required Documents
- Copy of KTP
- Copy of Family Certificate
- Copy of Birth Certificate/Ijazah/Marriage Certificate (choose one)
- Copy of Previous Passport (for extension only)
- 10000 Legal stamp/materai
*Please bring all original documents as well for validation purposes.
Immigration Office Chapter UGM, Bulaksumur Blok F-12
(Left side of Office of International Affairs)
Gmaps link: http://ugm.id/UGMUKKImmigrationLoc
Unit Kerja Kantor (UKK) Cabang UGM Telah Dibuka!
Kerjasama antara Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) telahberhasil membangun Unit Kerja Kantor (UKK) Imigrasi yang berlokasi di UGM atau UKK Cabang UGM. Hadirnya UKK yakni untuk meningkatkan pelayanan keimigrasan kepadamasyarakat, khususnya pelayanan bagi mahasiswa asing, dosen dan peneliti asing yang ada di Yogyakarta. Selanjutnya, UKK memberikan kemudahan bagi Warga Negara Asingyang berstatus sebagai mahasiswa, dosen, maupun penilitiuntuk pengurusan berkas-berkas keimigrasian terutama dalamhal pengurusan izin tinggal.
Jenis Pelayanan:
1. Penerbitan Paspor untuk sivitas akademika UGM
2. Proses Izin Kunjungan / Izin Tinggal bagi sivitasakademika internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada *karena belum ada mobilitas fisik, layanan ini akan dibuka setelah keimigrasian dan mobilitas fisik sudah kembali normal.
Waktu Pelayanan (Selama Pandemi):
Kantor Imigrasi Cabang UGM (UKK UGM) akan dibuka dengan prosedur Operasi Terbatas.
Protokol Mengunjungi Kantor Imigrasi UGM (Selama Pandemi):
Kantor Imigrasi Cabang UGM (UKK UGM) memberlakukan Protokol Kesehatan sesuai dengan peraturan Kementerian Kesehatan, seperti:
Prosedur Pelayanan Paspor:
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
* Harap untuk membawa seluruh dokumen asli untukpengecekan
Kantor Imigrasi Cabang UGM (UKK UGM), Bulaksumur Blok F-12
(Sisi kiri Kantor Urusan Internasional)
Link Gmaps: http://ugm.id/UGMUKKImmigrationLoc
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